
A new home for my ramblings.

Hey, it's been a very long time. Apologies to my blog for abandoning it & anyone who may have read it from time to time, being an adult got in the way. I started to miss having somewhere to talk about the things I like & just bits about my life but I feel like this blog has had its day.. If you...

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Reasons why Autumn is the one.

Autumn is my absolute favourite season of the year, and once we hit the end of August i'm all over it and can't wait for Summer to become a distant memory. 1. Wearing boots, scarfs, wooly hats and being able to get my winter coats out, it's like walking around in a blanket all day. 2. Being able to get Hot Chocolate on...

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August Photo Diary

Having a candy floss as big as your head is pretty much necessary when the Steam fair is in town, it was super cute to just stroll around in the evening, we even went on the little ghost train, which did not disappoint. I recently moved out with my boyfriend and a friend and with moving house, comes setting up artsy areas for...

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Autumn Fashion

I'm in control

Pinafore - Topshop T shirt - Urban Outfitters Nikes - Schuh In all honesty I'm a little bit obsessed with pinafores, one pinafore just isn't really enough, in my opinion. This pinafores been a bit of a staple for me this summer, mostly because I hate dressing for summer, so wearing this helps me kinda look cute and like i'm actually enjoying the...

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Top - Newlook Culottes - Boohoo Trainers - Nikes from Schuh I'm gonna be honest and say when culottes started surfacing last year, I hated them, I thought they were gross and weird. It wasn't until my boyfriend (my boyfriend is literally my style advisor) kept going on about how nice he thought I'd look in them, that I considered trying them.. And...

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Boots Extracts

April / May love list.

Hey, so for this months love list I have a few old favourites and some new discovery's, I've also decided that I'm going to make these love lists a mix of all things, so its not just beauty, or just lifestyle, it's just a few bits from each category. .The 1975's album is perfection, I honestly have no other way to describe it,...

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Film Photos

Roll It On #04

I used to do posts like these a couple of years ago, but just stopped, I think mostly because I ran out of photos to post, but I've decided I want to incorporate my personal photos into my blog more, just because photography and filmography is very important to me, so it feels right to involve it into my blog. Anyways, these are...

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