
Sunday's Style Inspiration..


I'm not going to try and commit to doing this every Sunday, otherwise I feel it will be come more forced and less honest, also what if i'm not inspired? It would just be a dirty old trick. But I will do it whenever i'm inspired by someone.

This is actually a picture of my mum (i'm the little tot in the pram). We do have loads from this era (early to mid 90's) but the one time I want to scan them in, they've all miraculously dissapeared. So this one will have to do. Let's be honest, were all loving the old 90's styling and if my mum still had the clothing she used to wear back then, i'm sure I would be in heaven. Also the cardigan is kickass!

Who inspires you? Did your mum dress in a similar way? Have you had any hand-me-downs from your mums/sisters 90's days?

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  1. Love this throwback picture of your Mama...I love my mums shoe collection but unfortunately my feet are 4 sizes too big and I can't borrow her clothes as they are all too small :(

    Great blog. Now following on GFC, be great to follow each other www.lurchhoundloves.com

    1. Thanks! Ahh that's so annoying! There's always something!

      Thank you :) i'm now also following you too!


  2. Ah such a cute picture! That's so weird you would make this post literally just the other day I stole my mams 90s levis denim jacket, I love it when family members give you their old clothes hehe x

    1. Haha, thanks. Ahh, lucky you! My mum always ends up giving her clothes away to charity (which is nice for them) which means i've totally missed out!


  3. YES I FREAKING LOVE THE 90S!!!!! My mam threw out all her old 90s clothes which I keep moaning about :P

  4. I love her dress! I'd totally wear that now. Looking back my mum was always so beautiful and stylish. People would always tell me so but I never thought of my mother that way.
