Blog Designs and Blog Buttons..?
Sooooo... This is something I've been thinking about offering for a while. Those of you who have followed me since the start, may have noticed I've changed my blog look about 3 times, and I only started in December..... Anyways I think it's just cause I get bored of the design and I just get bored in general, so i'm giving myself something to do... ANYWAYS, so yeah, I actually designed all of them.. And so I thought since I can design and that jazz, maybe i'd just let you lot know, in case you might want help with making a look for your blog, and you just don't have a clue what to do! I'm not gonna charge at all, like I said, it's just giving me something to do... So if your interested in that, give me an e-mail (Yes, with two tt's on the end) or Tweet me. (By the way, I just want to say the illustration on the side wasn't done by me, that was done by my boyfriend!)
Also recently thought it would be nice to do some Button Swaps, again I don't want money for it... Does anyone charge for that anyways(?) It just always looks nice on the side of blogs, and I think it's just a nice idea, like were all supporting each other as if were lost in the wild.