Do One Thing Each Day That Makes You Happy..


Anxiety is annoying.
People who don't understand Anxiety can also be a bit annoying also.
June was full of mixed emotions, it was a busy month, but negative in some ways. That's mainly why I haven't been blogging, I didn't want to force feeling positive when it wasn't quite there.
I don't really have a clue what my next few posts are going to be about, but now that I've started again I know I have to, so it'll give me a kick up the bum.
I had a bit of a nostalgic morning, looking through my Youtube reminding myself how much I used to love film making and such and I dunno, it made me feel excited hahah.
I've had a dull week so far, I was literally slapped in the face on Sunday morning with a horrendous flu, it feels like a have a fat bloke sat on my head 24/7.

Anyway this post was weird. I miss hearing from you all though! (I'm too clingy)..
OH and try to do one thing that makes you happy nearly every day! It will help, even if it meets licking someones toes, whatever floats your boat I guess.. Or goat.

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  1. "It feels like I have a fat bloke sat on my head 24/7"...this made me chuckle!!

    Hope you're feeling better soon, lovely to see you back! xx

  2. Anxiety is annoying! I hope you feel better soon and get back into blogging, I miss your wonderful posts!

    Corinne x

  3. Anxiety is a bitch isn't it! I'm exactly the same when it comes to blog posts lovely blog btw! :) x

  4. Cute, funny and sad all in one post...

    I enjoyed reading this!

    Efia @ Effy Talks Life

