Bomb Cosmetics Wishlist


Gingerbread Candle | Gingerbread Tree Bath Bomb | Snowberry Cupcakes Candle | Apple & Cinnamon Bath Creamer | Snowflakes on your Tongue Bath Mallow

Shame on me for forgetting about this amaaazing shop. I was nosing through the Christmas section, and my god, i'm obsessed now. I especially NEED this Gingerbread candle, look at it, it's adorable, and I can only imagine how amazing it smells, same goes for the Snowberry Cupcake candle, which probably smells like heaven. That Snowflakes on your tongue Bath Mallow looks so cute aswell! And I can imagine it makes the bath feel so creamy and soft. Bomb Cosmetics, I am hooked.

Life update and such:
Blah, I know i've been slacking a lot lately with this whole blogging thing.
I'm moving out of my parents house in a week, so that's probably why i've been slacking, my minds running wild with interior designs, and cute little nik naks, that we don't need at all.
I filmed a video, showing you homely things that I got, you can watch it here, if you wanna.
I was thinking about filming the Sweater Weather tag, as i've seen it floating around a lot. And I love sweaters. And anything Autumn related.

Anyways, i'm gonna go and cry over my bank balance.

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  1. All the items are so pretty, but I'd love to try that candle - it looks amazing, almost too pretty to use :o). Xx

  2. The gingerbread candle is one of the cutest I've ever seen, ahh :D xo
