09:30Last night I took part in the #bbloggers chat and the Topic this week was 'Making blogger friends/blogger meet ups/social interactions between bloggers.' After scrolling throught the #bbloggers hashtag, the question that kept popping up was 'How do we find out about meet ups?' and it got me thinking.. How do we find out? Most of the time you have to be lucky enough to be following the person who's hosting the event, or just be looking in the right place at the right time. I then said to my buddy Natasha about maybe making a twitter account dedicated to informing you all on when/where meet ups were taking place and she seemed pretty keen! Aswell as a lot of you. So if you haven't heard about our twitter account FBLmeetup you can find it here. Please keep in mind that we are human beings and may not be able to retweet straight away, but we will do as much as we can to keep you all up to date!
Just like to say thank you to everyone who retweeted/favourited mine and Natasha's tweet, aswell as following the FBLmeetup twitter and recommending us to other bloggers, your super amazing!♥♥