Hot Hands.


 photo DSC_0367_e_zps2533532f.jpg  photo DSC_0358_e_zpsc20dbcba.jpg  photo DSC_0424_e_zpse8ed49bc.jpg Dress - Boohoo
Cardigan - Topshop (via Ebay)
Boots - Newlook
*Necklace - Vinca Jewelry

Sup! I've been finding it kind of difficult to do posts while working! But i'm getting there, so hopefully ya'll stick it out! I pretty much live in smock dresses, and I love this one from Boohoo, I think it's perfect for all seasons, because of the darks, and the brights. I really love the neon(ish) purple of the flowers, it really stands out from a distance, and I don't have anything else with this sort of colour in my collection.
The colour of the cardigan works well with the dress.(them greens and purples, girl) And it's super swishy, and pretty old really, I should get rid of it, but that's what makes it more wearable I guess.
I ate a cadbury's creme egg before writting this, so sorry about the odd (typing) outburst's, it's literally what goes through my head as I'm typing, haha.
Have a lovely Easter!^..^

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  1. Love your outfit, it's so cute! Happy Easter! :)

  2. That dress omg, I neeeeeeddddddd! Such a nice outfit!

  3. Oh this dress is amazing, I love floral pattern on dresses. On everything to be honest! x

  4. The dress is lovely! Blogging and working is a difficult thing to juggle!!!

    Corinne x
