
I'm setting us in stone


Stripey Shirt : H&M | Belt : My mums? | Velvet Treggings : Topshop | Nails : Barry M, Hi-shine Gelly nails in Lychee

Hi there. So it was a very black and bland day today. So I dressed to suit it. I kind of feel like this look is a bit like 'just got out from the office' but I like to look a bit smart every now and then.
Everyone seems really betrayed by the weather not really living up to what it should be, like it's meant to be Spring right now, and it's pretty much snowing everywhere in the UK. Although i'm pretty upset by this (as I was excited about whipping out some Spring clothes) i'm not really at all surprised by it. It's as if people forget that this is the UK, and the weather hardly ever obeys to how it should be. You should never trust UK weather. But we've all got to have something to moan about, right?
It's quite sad that I don't really believe that my grandparents and parents actually had real summers in the UK when they were younger. It just doesn't seem to add up.

Every now and then I think i'm gonna post a song (if I remember) just so you all know what sort of stuff i'm into, we can all learn about each other. Basically I keep listening to these guys EP whenever i'm walking somewhere. Perfect walking music.

LASERS - Amsterdam by LASERS

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