
Style Inspiration : Caroline Flack


Don't mind this little thing up here ^ it's just something new i'm trying out.
This is another style inspiration post, I did one a few months back and a few people seemed interested. Caroline Flack is someone i've been obsessed with ever since she started co-hosting the Xtra Factor.
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I love her hair, her dress sense, her voice, her sense of humour. Just everything, I should just be her. Often in the Media she'll get criticized because most of the time she's wearing shorts, but I think it's great, and brave of her. Also her legs are amazing anyways. If I could have her wardrobe, that would be very nice, thanks.

I really didn't want to make this an essay long post about one person, as you may have got a bit bored, so sorry it's little. But either way it sums up my appreciation.♥
Also, i'm already considering making a new layout for my page(.. Again) as I just have twitching fingers, and they won't get off Photoshop. If that will annoy you, i'm ever so sorry. But it will match the little header thing I put at the top of this post, so if you like that, then i'm sure you'll like the new layout.

All images are from secondary sources.

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